Showing posts with label Telstar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Telstar. Show all posts

Friday 16 May 2014

What A Perfect Waste Of Time

I know I've not been exactly proliferate and profligate with my posts recently , mainly because I've been very busy with things, but I needed a reason to post this beauty from Elbow's latest album , and took the refrain from it as the title of the post.

Yes it is a perfect waste of time , four minutes or so  orf a lovely song that everyone should love.

It is Friday again, and the weather here is beautiful, so I will hopefully have a totally relaxing weekend.

This week has been spent working , traveling , including London yesterday and doing some catch up TV including the excellent Telstar: The Joe Meek story , which was funny and tragic.

Anyway I feel I'm outstaying my welcome here , as I really don't have much to say today, not because there's anything amiss , but it's just been one of those weeks. I suppose May is going to be the first month this year in which the number of posts I do drops from last year, although it should be about quality not quantity.

It's easy to let the words just flow at times , but other times there's a bit of a brick wall. But anyway I'll include the trailer for Telstar, as it is and excellent film. So have a great weekend everybody, I certainly will.