Friday, 28 December 2007

Seven Days In The Christmas Holidays

What is a blog , it's just like a daily diary, but most tend to get forgotten about , people do one or two , usually good entries then leave it to die (see the Ape of Wrath) , two years sing the last entry , thought the few that are there are excellent.

So though I've been on holiday and have pictures and that , I'm just doing this to get an entry in before the end of 2007.

One of my most impressive Christmas presents is the The Aki Kaurismaki Collection - Leningrad Cowboys 3 DVD set , which includes the awesome Total Balalaika Show from 1994 in front of 70,000 fans with the Red Army Choir backing . Their version of Gimme All My Loving is Youtubed here.

Absolutely mental , and well worth the experience.

Then another surprise , The Tain by Horslips (as well as Book Of Invasions and the rest) is now available on Emusic for easy digital download here.

That is in addition to the Half Man Half Biscuit back catalogue here

So essential I've had a few decent musical surprises before the year peters out.

Merry Christmas and New Year To All