Having just rekindled my love of fiction reading Philip Pulman's "Northern Lights", I found I'd mislaid the second volume "The Subtle Knife" so have ordered it online. If I had a Kindle I could have had it NOW!! One plus for e Book readers. Anyway I didn't I picked up "You're Entitled To An Opinion" by David Nolan - the biography of Anthony H Wilson - Factory Supremo, and it's got me hooked , loads of interstesting , funny and entertaining insights into that amazing man including the definite distinction between Salford and Manchester!! Until I picked up the book I never knew Salford was a city.
Anyway the e Book Reader , I think they are amazing pieces of kit but still feel they are a stepping stone to something else , I don't know what , but it means I won't be buying one in the near future , I stick with paper!!
I keep seeing adverts for the Amazon Kindle and other e-book readers . Apparently there is an app for Android and iPhone , though it wouldn't let me download an e Book as I didn't have a Kindle registered.
The technology is great , a months battery life , electronic ink that doesn't use power once the page is rendered. Also you can carry around 3000 or more books in a package that weighs less than a paperback. My problem is that usually you only read books once , and they need a time investment, whereas music can be listened to over and over again and sometimes to can have songs that last less than two minutes so you don't need a big time frame.
Real books still suit my purpose for reading , but the Kindle is tempting , but is that because it's just another gadget like an iPad?
Well I can't think of anything wrong with the place. Three pubs , two chip shops , two cafes , a chemist , a butchers, a delicatessen, a piano shop and a bank with a cash machine. Oh and they have a Co Op as well.
The bank is slightly odd in that it has a Griffin at the door but it's a Natwest bank.
John The Baptist - Tideswell in The Fog
Tideswell is also home to a very impressive church , John The Baptist (not sure if he was a saint) I believe and is known as the Cathedral of the Peak!!
Its that time of year again, Apple have released a new content delivery device (the iPad 2) and Nintendo release their 3D DS , which doesnt need special glasses, Now that does sound good.
The stupid thing is that people are queuing for days to be the first to get these new , probably glitch ridden toys. Now I dont pretend to have grown up , but have better things to do with my time that to wait to pay for the privilege to be a beta tester for Apple and Nintendo!!!
Last Night was the night , 50 copies of Northern Lights were picked up from the West End Library in Newcastle , given to me by a very pleasant lady librarian , in the middle of dealing with very rude and ungrateful eastern europeans.
Luckily my friend Helen and here three children were up for the adventure which was originally planned as this:
Start at Palmersville
Then Tynemouth to distibute books
Then to Wallsend
Then back to the Airport via South Gosforth
Then to Central Station, Newcastle
Then Home
A Change of Plan Is Needed
This was shot down as soon as we got to Palmersville as there were no trains running between Tynemouth and Byker , so that meant Wallsend , with it's lovely Latin inscriptions was out!
So we changed plans and made for the airport via South Gosforth , and finally got there after dark. The kids were really excited , lugging to bags of books to distribute to an unsuspecting public. The first book went to a couple , with a large luggage trolley , and small child in a pushchair who'd just landed from Singapore who were happy to take the first book from us , but were obviously very tired!!
We noticed the airport was actually quite empty , very empty in fact. It turns out there was on flight going out that night and the few people who were waiting seemed to be obviously Jewish or Middle Eastern , so maybe not the best people people to try and give the books to , given it's religious overtones.
FRom The Airport To South Gosforth
We changed tack and decided to change to target the people behind the desks. First up was the guy at the Greggs outlet , who had the the other parts of the trilogy but not "Northern Lights" . He was very enhtusiastic and said we'd made his night!!
The Crew At Whitley Bay
Then it was back to South Gosforth , over the bridge and distributing more books , before catching a Metro to Monkseaton , then on to Tynemouth where we got back on the train and went back to Whitley Bay. Then we waited an age for another train before going back to Palmersville and distributing the last of the books along the way.
The timing and distances were a lot more that I'd originally thought they would be , and couldnt have done it withoput help from Helen , Oliver , Jessica and Eve - so a big thank you to all of them!!