Friday, 27 April 2018

#TenAlbumsInTenDays #10 - IV (Mask/Security) - Peter Gabriel

Peter Gabriel's first four albums were effectively untitled concieved as a magazine format, but society always needs to identify and compartmentalise. This was his last album before hitting paydirt with "So" and the mood is dark, African influenced but more Burundi drums and desert woodwind than Paul Simon's "Graceland" jit.

From the opener "Rhythm of The Heat"  through to the single "Shock The Monkey" the abum is definitely dark and full of foreboding but highly listenable featiuring the Fairlight and avid Rhodes' crackling guitar. The album is mostly electronic and smapled with guests appearing on percussion and backing vocals.

The final three songs are more reflective but complemet the openening sequence perfectly.

This is the closer for my #TenAlbumsInTenDays but I will start another sequnce next Saturday as I had a second invite, but I will be on holiday with no computer access for a change , just like the pre millenium days.

There are so many albums that are worth listening to and this is another one of those. It is playing as I  pen this post, and is still as impressive now as when it was released in 1982,  thirty six years ago.

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