Monday 28 October 2013

Be Happy and Enjoy Yourself

Today I found that there was an update to Windows 8 from Microsoft , so I applied it. It was asking to share lots of stuff , and while I like sharing lots of things with my friends, I a bit more reticent about sharing with faceless corporations. I still get slightly annoyed that my Google searches on my PC appear on my phone as well.

XTC Go 2
But this doesn't stop me enjoying myself, and taking delight in the good things that others show me, like new music from around the world , such as a good friend showing me a brilliant XTC album cover, for their second album the excellent Go 2.

Their back catalog is amazing and if you don't know the band you should really check them out.

Pete Burns


I bought the album from Probe Records in Liverpool served , probably by Pete Burns of Dead or Alive, a striking individual even then. He never insulted me , so he must have thought my purchases were at least acceptable.

Anyway, the thing is lots of great music can make you happy , and it makes me happy, and there's one song that I'm thinking of and it was one of my mums favourites. Everybody put a smile on your face, have a great night and a great day tomorrow.

Sunday 27 October 2013

Four Seasons In One Day

Well that's what I've seen to day , lovely blue skies and sunshine the winds and rain as the golden leaves fall from the trees , it's certainly not dull and makes you glad to be alive and experience it. The Sunderland vs Newcastle derby is going on as we speak so there will probably be some disapointed fans in an hours time, I keep telling them it's just a game!

Anyway my weight is coming down slowly so quite pleased about that, and after this I need to go out and post off a CD for a friend, before settling down to write some more of my book , which is progressing as expected.

I chose the title of the post after the rather excellent Crowded House song , one of the many brilliant antipodean bands that have surfaced over the years. I saw them as Split Enz when they still wore their amazing make up and costumes sometime in the 1970s.

Anyway I can't keep blogging, books to write , CDs to post , Catch up TV to watch and coffee to drink, but it's all part of the rich tapestry of life that makes it worth hgetting out of bed every morning and just doing things. Enjoty the rest of the weekend , listen to your music and give a friend friend a big hug, they might not expect it and you both might enjoy it. Have a great day.

Saturday 26 October 2013

Spread The Love

Well after a busy week, the highlight of which was a night out in Brighton with friends, walking along Brighton beach on Thursday morning and catching up with people during the day,  plus the discover of Brighton itself, I'm pleased to say I've got a bit of normality back in my life. I will definitely go back there.

On the train back was taking with an Edinburgh family who had spent the weekend in London, seeing shows including The Commitments , and The Bodyguard the latter featuring the excellent Beverley Knight in the Whitney Houston role. Just have a Beverley Knight album on the player, she is a wonderful singer. I then explained to them the process of Delay Repay as their journey down had been delayed by four hours.

So back home, enjoying not traveling and being able to take time to do things that I want. I'm sure this weekend lots of good things will happen for me and lots of my friends , although for good things to happen you have to do something yourself. Things don't fall into your lap. So phone someone , meet someone, go for a walk , visit a museum or a landmark. There are lots of great things to do. Have a brilliant weekend, give a friend a hug , and spread your love and make the world even happier.

Just found this brilliant version of Alone Again Or by Love , fantastic lyrics as well

Yeah, said it's all right
I won't forget
All the times I've waited patiently for you
And you'll do just what you choose to do
And I will be alone again tonight my dear

Yeah, I heard a funny thing
Somebody said to me
You know that I could be in love with almost everyone
I think that people are
The greatest fun

And I will be alone again tonight my dear

7 10 A 3

Friday 25 October 2013

Brighton Rocks

Blue Skies over The Grand
Grey Skies Over The Pier
Well actually it's fairly stable , but this week has been manic, and I'd never actually been there before. It's easy to get round and has some amazing architecture , pubs , music and being on thebeach early Thursday morning was really calming and relaxing with the odd situation of having blue skies to the west and grey skies to the east.

Part of it of course  is that I like the sea, although I wouldn't , out of choice, go to Blackpool or Whitley Bay or Skegness.

Looking West is Good
Brighton , Whitby and Craster are the three seaside locations for me, and I would really recommend these three places to anybody.

Each one has it's own character, and I could almost live in each of the places. Brighton has made me feel good despite rolling into the house after half past ten last night.

A definite highlight of my week with some great friends, I would definitely do it again.

If you haven't been you have to go.

And what else could I have playing ..........

Sunday 20 October 2013

Enjoy Yourself

We have blue skies, though summer is over and autumn is here, our precursor to winter. Autumn fills the landscape with amazing colours, as the leaves on trees and plants metamorphose and fall to the ground.

Autumn Garden Colours
Every opportunity you get you should find something to enjoy. It maybe taking with a friend, listening to music you love , going out for a walk, reading a book , watching a film or a show. All of these things and more can lift your spirits and set you up for the week ahead, whatever you have coming.

If things are going to be hard, it's good to prepare yourself my making yourself feel good when you have the opportunity. A friend posted an interesting article about the 21 things that happy people do. The list is here, please read and take them on board.

While I know there are certain people who embody the apparent oxymoron that they are only "happy when they are miserable" , I'm unlikely to persuade them to change their view on life , but I hope that for everyone else, you will take some time today to make yourself happy. Enjoy the rest of the weekend and set yourself up for the coming week.

I've included the joyous Later.. medley of Madness/ Enjoy Yourself featuring Prince Buster and Suggs of Madness for your enjoyment.

Friday 18 October 2013

Sonic Wonders

Some of my favourite mood music are three albums I own by Beaver and Krause. I was intrigued to find a TED talk by Bernie Krause, and thought I would give it a try because the name sounded familiar. Bernie is a very very engaging speaker and gives and absorbing talk on the sounds of our world and how they can indicate the health or otherwise of localised ecosystems.

The talk had bme spellbound and have one of his albums playing at the moment, and it's amazing how much peace the sounds of the natural world can give you, whether it's for relaxation , meditation or otherwise. The music of the natural world.

I know this post is going to sound all new age, but I do believe it is far better to work together and in harmony than to try and further your aims through aggression. I love the sound and feel of rain as well as sunshine, I think that snow is wonderful and am happy in most sorts of weather.

Wonderful Sonics

Anyway I've included the talk, please do watch and maybe leave a comment. I was talking to a businessman on the train and he had never heard of TED but was extremely interested in what I told him and said he would check it out when he had biked home from Newcastle.

This is the start of my weekend which is a precursor to a week that will see me in London and Brighton, so I may or may not be active on here, but we shall see. Have a fantastic weekend and keep on being inspired and positive,

Thursday 17 October 2013

We Need More Love And Positivity

I'm seeing a lot of picture posts on Facebook, which aggressively imply that the poster with take retribution on someone who has crossed them in some way, even unfriended them on Facebook. Every so often I have a clear out of contacts , sometimes accidentally deleting people. Recent me and someone I'd accidentally unfriended took two months of attempting to reconnect, including manny missives to Facebook admin. We only play Scrabble together but the unfriending put that at risk, but we managed to sort it eventually.

Love and Be Positive
The TED talk above is a wonderful inspiring story of someone who overcame adversity and now lives a wonderful fulfilling life.

So people think that treating others badly shows that they are strong. It doesn't it just shows your transgressors have rattled you , and therefore succeeded. I admit that sometimes you have to fight but that should be a last, not first resort.

The best and biggest things are built by people working together it a spirit of co-operation, and sprinkled with a healthy dose of love and respect. So find a friend , give them a hug or a kiss, do something together , even if it's a chat , or a coffee or a drink. Do something together, you never know what may come of it. Work together and you will achieve far more that working in a fractious , frictional environment. Wars and negativity and aggression destroy , Love and cooperation can build lasting monuments.