Showing posts with label smoothies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label smoothies. Show all posts

Sunday, 20 May 2018

Cynthia Size A

It's been a restful weekend although I copped out and didn't get to The Late Shows but did get a copy of The Concert For Bangla Desh put together by George Harrison on Vinyl from Vinyl Guru. Spent a bit of time walking would town getting some essentials and forgetting about others. Put a brit of grass seed on the lawn to hopefully address the less grassy bit and made my first smoothie in an absolute age with some oranges and apples and frozen smoothie mix, ginger and milk. I'm sure it was very healthy and it tasted dead refreshing.

I don't follow recipes in smoothie making or cookery, just throw things in and hope for the best and it usually comes out good. The worst results are usually just too much so I have to despose of what I can't eat. At least when you are cooking, or making from reasonable fresh stuff you know it's not overloaded with sugar and salt.

I picked up an acoustic guitar today and ran through a basic "Big Muff" (John Martyn & Lee Perry) and was surpised that I knew all the chords but not all tehe words to "Ziggy Stardust" and "Rebel Rebel". Acoustics are so easy to pick up and do things with, although my electronic keybord is quite easy too, but I'm not as dextrous on that as guitar but I can still make some noise with it.

My son in law mark soldered together a synthesiser kit I got for Christmas, he is very impresive with sort of anything mechanical, electronic or computer based, but while the synthesiser is less capable that a Stylophone it is great fun to play with now that it's working.

Cynthia Size A was the name give to Hi T Moonweed's (Tim Blake) synthesiser of Gong's "Flying Teapot album just in case you were wondering where I stole that from.

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Beatifully Southern - #ALifeInNumbers #37

Unbelievably there were a few options for "37" including "37½" from Soft Machine "6" , "37 Hours" by Kristin Hersh and "We Do What We're Told (milgram's 37)s" from "So" by Peter Gabriel, but I decided to go for "Straight In At 37" by The Beautiful South as I have always loved their playfully subversive pleasantness.

I had a far better night last night than the night before , sleeping well but finally throwing off (well almost) this cold. For the first time in a long time time I had a smoothie which included frozen blueberries from Aldi , you can see me making it here. So I definitely think that helped along with the drugs.

Have a great Thursday everybody, the weekend is getting nearer.

Monday, 10 October 2016

Getting Better (I Think) - Levelling The Land - #ALifeInNumbers #15

This morning I was expecting to feel not very good, but if I went to bed at 40% Feelgood Factor, this morning it's 70-80% . Although I am generally positive I wasn't expecting to feel that great. There's two things that I did yesterday, in the evening I had chocolate and paracetamol , but earlier for the first time in a few weeks I made my self a bespoke smoothie. Both of these may have actually helped make me feel better although I can't say for definite it was one or the other or both  or something completely different. I still have a bit of a runny nose but I do feel much better than I did yesterday, and ready for my 'flu' jab later on.

Anyway song number 15 is "Fifteen Years" by The Levellers which means I'm a quarter through #ALifeInNumbers . I love the Levellers though apparently my spell checker tells me it should be Levelers (One "L" not two "L"s in the middle). 15 Years is a great song and again there were other options  such as Eater's "Fifteen" or Snow Patrol's "Fifteen Minutes Old" , but really it's no contest.

Also there are another 44 slots to go although I am not sure I am committed to including Snow Patrol or Eater, but I am glad that the first part has been relatively easy.

Anyway I've made and drunk a smoothie this morning (orange, apple, pineapple, ginger, banana, blueberry and carrot)  will keep on with the drugs at work today and let you know how it's gone tonight.

Have a brilliant Monday everybody.