Today is Samhain the Gaelic festival (wiki here) that takes us into the "darker half" of the year. Traditionally, it is celebrated from 31 October to 1 November, as the Celtic day began and ended at sunset. It's also the time for a number of much lesser and more commercialised evens such as Halloween , and I always think how these lot would would run and scream if a real vampire ,zombie , with real blood and dismemberment turned up. I'll probably get a tub of sweets to keep the children away.
So the drink list for #Oktoberfest as this will probably be the last one in the sequence (unless I do one later tonight). Scotch , Bourbon come under Whiskey so that's why I may seem to have missed things.
- Whiskey - 7
- Beer -4
- Wine - 4
- Tequila - 1
- Gin - 1
- Champagne - 1
- Brandy - 1
- Coffee - 3
- Milk - 2
- Tea - 2
- Cocktails - 2
- Fruit Juice - 2
- Water - 1
- General Alcohol - 8
- General Juice - 2
- Soda - 3
There's thirty nine there but some sontion mention more than one drink so it's about right.
So this #Oktoberfest ends (or it may not) with "Flying Teapot" by Gong and about four minutes in there is the the refrain:
"Have a cuppa tea
Have another one
Have a Cuppa Tea"
And that's a good way to start the day.