Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Vibrant Curious Art

On Thursday my friend Nicky mentioned she was going to an art installation called "Mirth and Girth" by James Unsworth on the eighth floor at Breeze Creatives which was unsubtle but entertaining , photos of two engaged large guys censored by bright flowers. It was a short visit but you can see some examples here.

I then descended to the second floor to visit Oliver Doe's  exhibition  "Body you are not me" a fabric and sculpture gthering with paint. Very strikig it is too although sort of minimalist without being minimalist. I spoke with Oliver who was wearing a rather striking linen suit, that was another impressiven exhibition. His site is here and you can find out more about the exhibition for there or better still go and see it at Breeze Creatives.

Then I  wandered along to the Curious Launch at the old tourist office in the Central Arcade and this was just an incredibly welcoming and vibrant atmosphere. Lots of art on walls and tables, the stage read for a band , lots of people talking and congregating. The whole Curious site is here detailing all the organisations involved in this LGBT / Queer celebratory event.

I met a great tattooed arist,Carla B Turner, wearing a great charity shop dress and platform wedges explaing the process of creating  silhouette photography.Two other artists on display were gobscure and IDa4. Showing Andy Warhol influences and there was a portrait of my dear departed friend Craig Puranen Wilson, looking on and no doubt appreciating the wonderful atmosphere and art displayed.

I loved the vibrancy of the event even though I didn't stay long, but the Hub is open for information, so well worth visiting.

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