Friday, 6 March 2020

Halfway Down The Stairs

I'm halfway through "Weaveworld" and it's still got me grabbed, maybe because it touches on so many places that are familiar to me while maintaining and definite other worldliness. The thing is, when you revisit a past favourite , there is always that slight feeling that it may not live up to what you thought it would be, although being a Clive Barker tome I feel on fairly certain ground, and it is proving remarkably excellent on this particular revisit.

Of course I am also re reading "Imajica" on the Kindle Fire so it's a double helping for me , which may actually slow down progress, but who cares when it's so enjoyable.

Similarly the purchase of "Confusion" and "Blue Monday"  12" singles whilst in Edinburgh made me wonder whether my favourite New Order song "Temptation" was available in this form , and it is, so that was ordered and arrived today. My second favourite New Order song is "Love Vigilantes" but do I really need that on a 12" single.... we shall see.

So half way through "Weaveworld" made me think of "Halfway Down The Stairs" by Robin the Frog (nephew of Kermit the Frog in The Muppet Show). My mind drifting off in unorthodox tangents again.

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