Showing posts with label SevenDaysIn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SevenDaysIn. Show all posts

Wednesday, 11 November 2020


This is post 2345 on sevendaysin and I am not sure I would ever reach this number or keep posting for this long. I started here on the 18th of February 2007 and am still doing this now. I chose Echo and The Bunnymen's "Never Stop" because it is a great record and appropriate for the point of this post.

The thing is in life we do things that seem to never end (apart from the obvious Grim Reaper scenario) , such as washing up , cleaning , working , and watching TV and listening to music , plus walking and lots of other thing.

The thing is if you break things up into manageable chunks you can then enjoy the success of each finish point you define.

While working from home I have listened to several CD box sets which I don't think I could have done even walking to work. I have just finished the Electric Light Orchestra box and, apart from "Discovery" , I would rate all of the albums, although the first five are my favourites.

I have Joni Mitchell and Leonard Cohen boxes and they are being lined up for my next plays. Having a CD player to hand , plus the discs i sa great convenience, but it means I am not listening to much Radio 6 for a change as certain DJs I thing would be more at home on Radio 2 , so I don't feel I am mising anything.

So that's post 2345 , and basically I will never stop with this here blog.

Sunday, 19 July 2020

Walk A Mile In My Shoes

This morning I mowed my lawn, it's a small lawn. I checked how many steps I'd done and it was over a mile. That surprised me quite a lot that I could walk so far in such a small area. I know people have smaller gardens but sometimes a mile is not very far and other times it seems a long, long way. I am not a very active person but don't mind walking a few steps each day (actually about 11K which is around five miles). It is amazing how some people are aghast at that while I have friends who often cycle ten or fifteen miles a day , 50 to 100 miles a day at weekends plus serious gym time. So no I am anything but a fitness fanatic.

Today I have decided to retire the  www.spoongig, URL but the blog well remain possibly in a subdomain of this one. I don't get to that many gigs these days and was just using one email so it's not really worth keeping. I am going with the subdomain which I hope will start working soon on 

The weather is rather good for a Sunday so that means I should be able to his my steps target.

I'm two thirds of the way through "Everville" and I would have remembered reading this excellent books , so it's only taken me ten years but I'm on it now , and soon will be deciding what to read next. Though a lot of reminds me of certain parts of "Preacher".

I've completed "Vikings" and "Lucifer" so far , but enjoying "The Umbrella Academy" though there seem to be a lot of ideas lifted for other iconic films and series such as "Preacher" and "Pulp Fiction" and enjoying the mind bending complexity of "Altered Carbon".

Music wise I've gone for "Walk A Mile In My Shoes" by Big Daddy Wilson , although there are numerous more well known renditions available.

Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Today's The Day

SevenDaysIn has just gone over the half million visit line. Also by tomorrow I will replace the Samsung Galaxy A3 with a Google Pixel 2XL , an older phone but significantly cheaper than a new one with the same twelve month guarantee and not much more expensive than repairing the defunct charging port on my Google Pixel. The really annoying thing is that I have a perfectly functional phone that I can't charge and therefor is NOT perfectly functional any more.

Over the last week my steps have significantly dropped off mainly because of the biting cold weather, which means the bus is a preferable option.

6Music was playing Tone Loc this morning, and I always loved "Funky Cold Medina" so we will share that on this extremely short post, although it still clocks in at around 150 words, a definite novella compared to some of my early posts (like the first "mission statement" one here, but I suppose diary entries can be like that,

So enjoy your Wednesday my friends.

Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Tomorrow's The Day ....

... that the blog hits half a million visits. It's taken a long time and after the visits dropped I wasn't sure how long it would be, but given that I'm now polling 150 visits a day and there are 80 more visits required it's safe to say that Wednesday the 19th of February is the day that SevenDaysIn hits the half a million mark. I'm quite surprised that that single sentence consists of over fifty words, though there is something that tells me that at school I used to write 100 word essays, that's like two or three sentences, there is no way that that could be true so I think my mind is playing tricks on me there.

My initial attempt at book writing floundered and died, and I do admire the people who can actually string together coherent text that grabs and keeps you attention. Clive Barker's "Weaveworld" and "Imajica" certainly do that , although not for the more genteel folk among us but for me riveting stuff.

So this is a latish Tuesday placeholder, which may bring itn one or two more views before I go to bed. I'm not really sure what piece of music to play although I introduced some friends to Barclay James Harvest recently via "Poor Man's Moody Blues" and for some reason the incredibly contrived "Titles" maybe appropriate , wonderful tune, wonderful music but the lyrics are made up of Breatles song titles so it can be deemed very clever or very crass, but I do actually like it.

See what you think and let me know with a comment.

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Stir Fry

Yesterday was a bit weird, we've had a bit of the latest global warming caused storm but it was fine walking into work listening to Echo and The Bunnymen's "More Songs To Learn and Sing" and with every song that came on wondering how this band were not the biggest draw in the world at some point.

At the weekend I was thinking this month I was maybe averaging one post every two days , then I realise on Sunday night I'd done seven in nine days and this will make it eight in eleven, but if I feel like writing I will do.

Walking home someone reckoned it was fine walking weather , which it was, though a bit blowy, until I got off the bus route, then the hailstones started coming down, the wind was blowing and they were cold and stinging and I had no umbrella (that would have just been destroyed by the wind) or protective headwear, but you just have to keep walking , about half a mile through an annoying hailstorm. It could have been much worse and getting into a warm house was most appreciated.

For tea I had got some prepared stir fry vegetables that implied it was hot and there was a sauce. There was no sauce so chucked the stuff (peppers , carrots, cabbage , beansprouts , water chestnuts and onions and more, in the pan with olive oil then added some brown sauce and sriracha sauce to give it some but . Five minutes later it was in the dish and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I thought I would need something else, but I didn't eat anything else and didn't feel hungry so that was a success and will be having more. You can see me cooking on my instagram feed here. To me it looks very tasty, and it was.

Last night the wind and rain were blowing and this morning looks grim so I'm not sure if I can walk into work (well I can but the bus option is very tempting) we shall see.

Music on this Tuesday will be "The Cutter" by Echo and The Bunnymen though any song from that album would be perfect.

Monday, 25 November 2019

Start Again

Surprisingly this month is already the highest monthly hit rate for a month since I started and effectively this seemed to be kicked off my the demise of Google+ , because I looked for another way of sharing my posts and tried MeWe that doesn't really seem to have taken off but provides an easy way to copy the link post which I shared on Twitter. That then seemed to kick it off. Under google posts, generally a good visit count would be 100 , average about 50 but when Google+ went I was lucky to get 20. Facebook doesn't really seem to help although a few of my friends visit via that link.

Anyway after sharing on Twitter I was picked up by Feedburner and since then I have had more than a thousand visits a day, still very few comments, so maybe it's all robots, though I would love to see comments from friends. Yesterday I had 2,600 visits , that's more than one a minute which is impressive.

I finished "The Secret Commonwealth" by Philip Pullman and although I am a very slow reader I always have a book on the go, and while my last few books have been fiction, I have a lot of music biographies and commentaries still unread. I briefly considered "Tarantula" by Bob Dylan which I have read several times, and for me is an easy enjoyable read being a stream of consciousness based narrative by Dylan. I decided to take "On Some Faraway Beach" by David Sheppard , the biography of Brian Eno.

When I opened it I immediately baulked, 450 pages of of tiny unrelenting text, books like this really do initially put me off and need to be special to keep me on board. I'm on to chapter two so it is actually a goer and will be my book for the next few weeks.

Today I am also going back to contact lenses so that's another restart for me, and at the moment the lenses feel absolutely fine.

Looking out the window it's still dark grey and featureless, but every day is another day of potential to discover and do new things. The David Sheppard book opens with a quote from the brilliant Edward De Bono who's books and methods taught me a hell of a lot:

"“The need to be right all the time is the biggest bar to new ideas. It is better to have enough ideas for some of them to be wrong than to be always right by having no ideas at all. ”"

... and I suppose that just hooked me into the book. Many of the chapters are named after Brian Eno songs and pieces, so we will go with the creepily ominous  "The Great Pretender" from "Taking Tiger Mountain By Strategy" a truly wonderful album.

Enjoy your Monday, Make it special.