Sunday, 22 December 2013

Longer Days Shorter Nights

Apparently we are due an Arctic Storm , a good friend tells  me, and that's confirmed by the cold wind, rain and weather forecast, but it is December 22nd. Today went into town and it was quiet. Went to The Stand in Newcastle for dinner (at 2pm - that's dinner time!), and bought a book of short seasonal stories called Twas the Night Before, Before Christmas' in aid of  NECA (North East Council on Addictions) , there's more details here. I immediately saw there was a story by mate John Scott so read that with more than one guffaw as I ate my tempura coley.

I'd been considering the Lou Reed song for my December list for a few days, but thought it would be a bit depressing, but it is a very listenable anti war song , and a good way to remember the great curmudgeon. A very intelligent man who wrote songs that everyone can play, that is a stroke of pure genius and what made the Velvet Underground truly great. If you you pick up a guitar you can play a Lou Reed song and sound good and cool. I will now have to do that for you won't I?

Anyway enjoy your day, night , and I may as well include a bit of John Scott at the bottom for you to enjoy too.

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