Sunday, 7 October 2018


I didn't really write last week, though I was on holiday, although as I was doing what I wanted I would have expected to write even more. The main thing about a holiday is to get away for the pressure of having to do things although you do force yourself to do things because you are on holiday.

One of the days we did the Dalemain Loop which is a six mile part of the larger Ullswater Way , taking in Dacre and Pooley Bridge before returning to Dalemain Hall. There's some images here if you want to see.

Dalemain Hall contains a hell of a lot of marmalade so i helped myself to a couple of jars, and the people there are very helpful.

In Pooley Bridge I had some coffee and cake at Granny Dowbekin's and later visited The Crown next door for some excellent food. Granny Dowbekin's had an excellent range of food including a decent spread of vegan options.

The Crown's food was excellent including courgette fritters which you can see here.

At one point we were walking along the river and a bird took off and it reminded me of the sound effect used in Pink Floyd's "Grantchester Meadows" which was part of the Roger Waters solo section on the studio section "Ummagumma" so I will include that for this post.

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