..or it is here is you are in the Antipodes. It's cold has hell here so isn't that an excuse to grab hold of a friend or loved one and give them a big hug? I've shelled out a lot of money this morning on stuff you have to shell out money on , and am lucky enough for that not to cause too much of a problem
Lot's of great things have happened this week but I will list them in the next post. I need to run off but leaving you with , for no reason at all , The Oysterband's take on Nick Lowe's "Rose of England"
Go and hug someone , keep warm , and have a great day
The wind is blowing and it's raining outside. It's just past midnight , but I am in a warm cottage. I am am one of the lucky ones. I have a huge bed to go to. I will be warm. I don't have to get up for work tomorrow. This is the sort of time you need to take advantage of the adverse elements outside because it gives you a valid opportunity to hug and cuddle and show someone you love them.
The problem may be that they aren't with you but you have a phone and a computer (otherwise you wouldn't be reading this).
Today was good although it involved lots of motorway driving in fog , and having to deal with the worst one way system I have had the misfortune to experience , Kendal , although the people in the town are lovely. Still I came out of it unscathed appreciating the clarity of the out of town roads.
It's dark , it's cold and this is the sort of time when bad things can seem much much worse. Tonight I will be joining a march protesting against the austerity cuts by this idiot spiteful government who it this time of austerity have suddenly found billions to bomb the hell out of the people they supplied with weapons in the first place, the rally details are here.
Actually I have no problem with self imposed austerity , say of you want to save for a holiday or something major but you do not impose it on others to try and mask your own failings or just to fund your own extravagances ... like wars.
The thing is there may be friends who are having a hard time , try phoning them , take them out for a meal or a coffee, buy them a small present , let them know you care. There will be someone out there who probably needs you , don't leave it to someone else, you do it , and if someone suddenly gets ten phone calls well that is all well and good.
Well the Odyssey his the final shore , year 59 and this year 2015. This year I can think of loads of records that have been released but I must say it has been more and more difficult to find stuff in the standard top 100 chart. These records are not my favourites although I do like them all. This morning I though of at least ten that I could choose today . In the run up to Christmas I may continue with records I missed because I am surprised there are no Beach Boys , Rolling Stones , Hawkwind , Kinks and many many more. Anyway the number one that I've chosen is "Not Your Typical Victorian" by The Men That Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing , maybe simply because I saw them last Friday (review here) and I love this song.
Have a fantastic Tuesday and look out for your friends.
It's Wednesday and the week has been interesting so far , and I'm sure it may get more interesting. I working on a website which is in fledgling state here about Codonopsis which has a lot of information about the various strains of the plant . There is a lot of information on there and now I am loading the pictures up there. Summer has finally left us and it's cold and wet , so go out and give somebody a cuddle and a hug , that'll keep you both warm and make you feel much better.
The musical Odyssey has it's end in sight and reaches year 53 , 2009 and I've chosen Singles Ladies by Beyonce which , in my opinion is her fines song just because it doesn't conform to the standard song construct yes is still both listenable , a great pop song , and threatening.
Have a great day and make sure you have a smile on your face, Be Happy.
This morning I went out for the papers, shocked at the news coming in from Paris , knowing that the right wing media will turn this to stir up hate against refugees when it's their paymasters who are the initial instigators of this supplying weapons to anyone anyone who will play and top up their hedge funds . Simplistic view I know.
Anyway when I went out this morning it was bloody freezing , thank god it wasnt raining. A great way to combat this is is to cuddle someone and share body heat. Cuddles and hugs should really be the norm everyday. Some people may not be able to do this for one reason or another. Never think you don't deserve it. You deserve to feel wanted , loved and cared for and hugged. Someone will be there for you. Reach out to people , pick up a phone , communicate , text , meet for coffee or tea or a meal.. We all need me time , but we need us time even more, and it could be someone next door , in the same town , city , country and thanks to the internet the world. It can be lover , friend , family , neighbour , casual acquaintance , do it and put a smile on your face.
The Odyssey hits number forty eight and only two more posts til I hit my thousandth post on this blog. According to the stats there have been 97,000 page views so I think it's on course for 100K by the end of the year. The song hit me like a freight train one of the greatest break up songs ever , and it's white charver rap , still makes me cry. Mike Skinner is a genius , it's similar to the Wyclef Jean post I shared in post #42 last Sunday , shows what a sentiment wimp I really am. Anyway I've listened to "Dry Your Eyes" by The Streets about six times while writing this. I am welling up, and really need a hug.
So go out there , find someone to cuddle , you will feel much much better for it , you both will.
I know I keep on about putting on a smile , being happy and hugging and kissing each other , but was tempted to write about this idiot situation about the colour of Starbuck's Cups . Someone once said that once the threat of starvation had been eradicated then people's main hobby becomes being offended. Starbuck's are guilty of far worse things that the colour of their cups , but they still do good Frappacinos and I have no problem with the staff , just the company. But anyway that's by the by. Today let's make it a BIG HUG Wednesday , grab a friend and hug them and go for a coffee at an independent coffee place like Bar Loco or Pink Lane Coffee in Newcastle.
The Odyssey hits 2001 and for 2000 I had hoped for Heaven Is A Halfpipe by OPM , so it was a no brainer to choose for 2001 , despite competition from Gorillaz and other worthy choices
Sometimes things don't happen as fast as we would like. For some people this is an excuse to get angry. As you know I don't do angry. This morning the internet connection has been slow and though it is picking up , means that I have to be aware that all this might disappear in a puff of smoke , well not literally.
That can be true of anything in our lives , which is why , personally , I do tend to wnat things to happen quickly rather than slowly because , tomorrow , next week , next month , next year the opportunity may have slipped from our grasp.
Don't get me wrong , life is great , but I have friends who have difficulties , and things like that can't be put off or left. Sometimes we feel pressured by modern life , what we need to have , and what we must have. We need a bigger car , bigger house , more money ,more whatever the media tells us , we need to be thinner , fitter , more conformist. Well actually thats just corportations and governments telling us that basically coming down to the worship of money.
What I do is say bugger that, I'm going to care for my friends , spend time with them when I can, MAKE that time , support local businesses ,relax (I'm, in a hotel room with no TV or radio or room telephone) but yes we are in 2015 so I have my internet connected laptop and mobile phone so I can release this on the world which I know 50 of you will read and maybe think about.
My blog has twice been called weird and not making any sense by correspondence ,but that has been applied to me also so it doesn't bother me too much.
Hugs Are Good
I saw an meme on facebook that said a long hug produces amazing benefits rather than the standard three
second, and wile we can all hug the one we are with , go and hug a friend who needs its it will make your day and their day soooooo much better.
On day 4 of my song cycle and from 1960 , my fourth year I have chosen the bitter sweetly beautiful Chain Gang by Sam Cooke for you to enjoy.
We're getting dark morning , summers over and I'm getting up in the dark again. Luckily these days I can wait til it's light before I leave for work. Darkness while it's great for atmospherics does not tend to lighten ones mood.
I know I haven't blogged for a few days, but it's just really about getting the inspiration to writes , and that's usually because something really good has caught my attention. This week has been full of little things , that for me are not positive , like little knocks and bruises on my psyche. But I will not let them dampen my ardor , I am gonna find positives and I am going to be happy , and I am going to make other people happy , hopefully
Eeyore Hugs
But we hare half way through the week , so if you are lucky enough to be with someone gives them a kiss and a hug and put a smile on their faces , and yours too. I cant think of anything I would rather do at this moment but will make do with doing some household chores
But everybody go out and find someone to hug and make the world a happier place
Decided to go for the Troggs version cos really Love Is All Around if you look and give it a chance