Showing posts with label Odyssey58. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Odyssey58. Show all posts

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Life At The Top (of a building) - #ALifeInNumbers #20

This record was released in year I was born from the classic film "The Girl Can't Help It", I think this excerpt actually cuts something out of the middle as this clocks in at 1' 26"  and the recording I have are 1' 45" . "Twenty Flight Rock" is an Eddie Cochran classic with a comedic element based on a broken lift. Incidentally the first song in my sequence last year (Odyssey58) was the title track from the film by Little Richard which you can see here.

I remember working for Yorkshire Water Board in the 1980's and in one of my times there I was on the eleventh floor, only one lift worked and the clocking machine was on the top floor. I still waited for the lift, though one day there was a fire alarm and we had to walk back up, I had to take a rest around the seventh floor. The thing is they called out the fire brigade but due to the location of the building the fire engines could get near but couldn't actually deploy their ladders!.

Another thing was that if you looked at other buildings when the weather was windy you could see the building moving , a very weird feeling.

Another event was that the building was next to a big car park which was the ruined site of some demolished buildings, this was around 1985 and this has all been redeveloped, Every fortnight after signing on there were a couple who shall we say engaged in congress in a secluded corner of the car park , overlooked by Yorkshire Water Board's twelve story building. The thing is a lot of people on my floor rushed over to the window every time until a manager must have complained. On the last time I was called over to watch five pairs of police men and women converging on the unsuspecting couple. This was a police force who "didn't have the manpower" to investigate my car being broken into. That was the end of their liaisons.

Anyway back to the music, I am sure there are lots of "20" songs , but I can only choose one. When I hit "25" there are two that I want to use, but I can only have one, c'est la vie.

Anyway I think I am in a fit state to resume work, so will be going in tomorrow and the recuperating further over the weekend. Have a wonderful evening my friends.

Saturday, 1 October 2016

One Fine Day - #ALifeInNumbers

Last year on my birthday I did a series of posts selecting a record from every year from my birth up to the present day under the tag of Odyssey58, this year I going to choose one record containing the numbers starting at 1 to 59. I don't know if that is possible . I have chosen number one, Puccini's One Fine Day from Madame Butterfly, and already know 54,55,56 and 59 but it is going to be a challenge, which is something that I like. I expect it to get difficult after about 23, so your suggestions may help.

Yesterday I was totally shattered and was in bed before 7:30 before waking up and looking across at Whitby Abbey from Lewis (after Lewis Carrol) in La Rosa. 

Yesterday I was going to write about  how quickly September had gone but was far too tired and couldn't be bothered to set up the lap top, anyway today will be spent wandering round Whitby and being happy, I hope your day is going to be similar,

Monday, 8 August 2016

Numbers Time Krautrock and The Old Fox

Last week I didn't post much for various reasons (see here) and then got to thinking what is a normal rate of posting things. Almost everybody on Facebook posts something everyday , often several times a day , and often it's just reposting something they have seen and liked. So I post more on Facebook than I do on here.

Usually Facebook is about being in the moment , it's what's happening at the time, and then things get lost and forgotten. People often use it to let off steam or moan about things, and too be quite honest a lot  those sort of things I just ignore, though if someone is having I bad time I will contact them and see if can help.

Anyway , in my first year of blogging I posted 6 items , that's an average of 1 post every 2 months (60 days) , here is my first post which I hadn't a clue why I was doing this. The next post was about Krautrock but I had just lifted from a music section on my Song of The Salesman site but then decided not to go further with but I thought the piece had some merit.

I then wrote nothing until I went on holiday to Dublin and decided this would be a travel blog , hence the name. But that didn't take.

Anyway the following year I posted 46 times , almost once a week , and really that should be what I am aiming for and since that time (2008) I have written fairly consistently, about absolutely anything. In 2013 I posted 244 times that's two posts every three days , which is a lot of writing. This year I have posted 66 times and expect to maybe do 100 posts by the end of the year.

Last year I posted my thousandth post (here) which was in the middle in the middle of my Oddysey58 project which was a song for every year of my life which I do intend to somehow turn into an ebook, combining it with another book project I have started but not finished.

Shev and Friend at The Old Fox

My posts tend to get 50-50 views though the biggest one has had over 900 views but is a rubbish post (here) though my most read post ever is on my Spoongig blog about the reopening of The Old Fox in Felling with over 1,100 views.

I chose "In The Meantime" by Spacehog because they had a song called "Millions" but I couldn't find it but I love In The Meantime with it's motif lifeted from The Penguin Cafe Orchestra's Telephone and A Rubber Band. 

Anyway this morning started out very grey , but it's now sun shining but very windy, so it's the start to another week and if the weather is anything to go by , it's going to be a good one.

Enjoy my wonderful friends

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Inspired or Easily Distracted?- Well I'll Be Damned

Well I hit the 100K reads and hit the 1,000 posts , my target was New Years Eve. I wasn't certain I would do either, I couldn't thing how I would write enough posts then came up with the Odyssey58 idea which meant that I would reach the target. I'm not sure what gave me the idea apart from my love of music and the fact that it was my birthday . I so some hits are robots but I know a lot of friends do read this , so that is a great reason for keeping writing.

Obviously 200K and 2,000 posts are next targets , but I need something to write about and to inspire me , and I do have lots of inspiration.

Odyssey58 is going to be combined with what I've written for my first book to produce my first ebook. I have a song ready that I need to to properly but the first cut is on SoundCloud here . This was just recorded to my phone , made up as I went along.

Anyway so I have lots of things to look forward to going forward , just hope I can keep people interested, I do love my friends , and I love you for reading and being there for me .

Choosing the music for this I decided on Love's Alone Again Or but then found that The Damned had covered it in 1987 and very good it is , although the video I am sure is an inspiration for the Enya / Prodigy mash up video which is still my favourite mash up of all time.

See how all these threads come together?

So am I easily distracted or inspired? Who Knows

This is the state of the site at the moment:

The Figures

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Look Out For Your Friends, Give Them A Hug - #59 - 2015 - The Men That Will Not Be Named For Nothing - Not Your Typical Victorian

It's dark , it's cold and this is the sort of time when bad things can seem much much worse. Tonight I will be joining a march protesting against the austerity cuts by this idiot spiteful government who it this time of austerity have suddenly found billions to bomb the hell out of the people they supplied with weapons in the first place, the rally details are here.

Actually I have no problem with self imposed austerity , say of you want to save for a holiday or something major but you do not impose it on others to try and mask your own failings or just to fund your own extravagances ... like wars.

The thing is there may be friends who are having a hard time , try phoning them , take them out for a meal or a coffee,  buy them a small present , let them know you care. There will be someone out there who probably needs you , don't leave it to someone else, you do it , and if someone suddenly gets ten phone calls well that is all well and good.

Well the Odyssey his the final shore , year 59 and this year 2015. This year I can think of loads of records that have been released but I must say it has been more and more difficult to find stuff in the standard top 100 chart. These records are not my favourites although I do like them all. This morning I though of at least ten that I could choose today . In the run up to Christmas I may continue with records I missed because I am surprised there are no Beach Boys , Rolling Stones , Hawkwind , Kinks  and many many more. Anyway the number one that I've chosen is "Not Your Typical Victorian" by The Men That Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing , maybe simply because I saw them last Friday (review here) and I love this song.

Have a fantastic Tuesday and look out for your friends.

Monday, 23 November 2015

Dark Morning, Waiting For The Light - #58 - 2014 - Royal Blood - Ten Tonne Skeleton

I have to be thankful in my new job that I see a lot more of the day, both during working hours and at the ends of the day , however I look out the window now and it's dark and I know by the time I get home it will be dark. However this is the nature of this planet and where I am located. This time last year I knew I was going to be leaving my old job and looking forward to whatever new things came my way. Some people see things as being the end when they just are new beginnings and since leaving my old job I have been involved in volunteering work with Oxfam , a start up company with Geek Talent and met an amazing number of great new friends. Part of this is due to the near 60 hours a month that I used to spend traveling to and from work , that's a working week and half for me to actually play with , how absolutely brilliant is that? I had an interview which seemed like a dream job in Durham which I never heard back from , but my new job is five minutes from my front door and enables me to deal with chores like doctors and hospital visits within a very supportive work framework. A friend in America recently started a new job m and he little girl was ill , her employer sent her home to look after her daughter until her daughter was better. That employer was supportive and that by that act it gained extra loyalty from my friend , a very sensible and caring act.

So we know the light will come if we prepare ourselves when things are dark. God that sounds pretentious as hell, Do I care , not a jot, life is god for me so it means I can be strong for anyone who needs me to be strong for and with them.

Anyway ......

Have Fun
The Odyssey hits the penultimate year , and I cannot pinpoint a new album that I bought last year just from memory, though lot's will jump out when I look at a list , but my memory has always been like that. Odd that I cannot remember actual facts , but I can remember how to find the facts I need to know. Someone once expressed shock to Einstein when they found out out he didn't know the speed of light, his retort , "What do I need to know that for, I can look it up in a book" , and that has been me all my life.

I should have thought it's a year sing me and my mate Chris were trying to get tickets for a non existent Royal Blood date at Newcastle Riverside ,  I could have chosen any track but Ten Tonne Skeleton is brilliant.

So go out and have a great Monday , it will soon be light , I can see the eastern sky brightening up.

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Sunday Service - #57 - 2013 - David Bowie - The Next Day

Was woken up this morning by the sound of seagulls. I'm not in Whitby I am ten miles inland from the coast. I went out and it's grey and raining slightly . It's Sunday morning and I do have a lot to do today , deliveries to take and people to see and thinks to dispose of. It is November and we have had a bit of sun , but days are getting shorter. In fact this morning I got up and was wandering round and half an hour later had to start switching the lights on.

Seen some newspaper headlines this morning, which are absolutely exasperating makes me want to start my Mr Angry blog , but I don't do anger so I will calm down and do something positive, but it amazes me that a government can always find money to pays it's arms dealers but not to look after the people who effectively put it into power. There rant over.

The Next Day
The Odyssey reaches 2013 year 57 and it that year David Bowie released an unannounced album The Next Day , his first in ten years. It had not been particularly done in secret , it's just that no one apparently noticed , and it was an absolutely excellent album, well worth buying and everyone with any sense went out and got their hands on a copy. I've chosen the title track and apologise if you have to log in to see the video as it contains religion , BDSM, blood and lots of other great fun stuff. It's the first time I have seen the video despite buying the album when it came out and like almost everything Bowie does I am very impressed with it.

I also loved the recycled cover art of The Next Day referencing "Heroes" (possibly his finest song).

His next album Blackstar comes out in January but you can download the title track and pre order it now here.

Have a fantastic Sunday everyone.

Saturday, 21 November 2015

A Weekend In The Sun - #56 - 2012 - Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling

Another brilliant weekend awaits after a very long Fridays involving a full days work , a viewing onf the excellent Tangerine at the Tyneside Cinema then a hike down to Think Tank? to see The Men That Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing (review here) . I still have lots to do and the weather is looking great after last night's blizzard, so going to have a run around town town before Preston hopefully dispose of Blackburn.

The Odyssey is coming to an end , there's three more to go and then it's time to put the book together. So year 56 , 2012 and Gold on The Ceiling from El Camino by The Black Keys , who I have loved since I hear ThickFreakness whenever that came out.

So enjoy the sunshine today and I hope to catch you soon

Friday, 20 November 2015

Phone A Friend Friday - #55 - 2011 - Polly Jean Harvey - Written On The Forehead

Friday is here and today is going to be a long day, it's been an intense week in a lot of ways but I have got a lot done, but amazingly run out of socks , well almost , despite the fact that the laundry basket is only half full and I don't think there's any of my socks in there. But it's going to be a a great night withe a screening of the film Tangerine at The Tyneside Cinema for Transgender Remembrance Day followed by a run down to Think Tank to see The Men That Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing , and then possibly a lie in on Saturday before finishing my friend's web site off about the Codonopsis plant family.

Anyway it would be a great idea idea to phone a friend or family member you have not spoken to for a while and maybe meet up for coffee or cake and have a hug and a catch up.

Hope you're is good.

The Odyssey reaches 2011 year 55. I didn't even look at the charts for this year because that was the year that my favourite female artist released "Let England Shake" one of the greatest albums of all time the difficulty came in choosing the song and I I eventually chose "Written On The Forehead" a brilliant anti war song , and it gives me a chance to add in Niney The Observers wonderful Blood And Fire that it samples. Written on the Forehead refers to either the practice used in military hospitals of identifying what the condition of an injured soldier was or it could be from Th eBook of Revelation 2:24 "His Name Will Be Written On Their Forehead" . I leave that for you you to look up.

Have a wonderful Friday everyone.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Some People Have No Sense Of Humour But We Do - #54 - 2010 - Newport (Ymerodraeth State of Mind) - Alex Warren and Terema Wainwright

I can't believe it's five years since Alex Warren and Terema Wainwright showed up how po faced American Rhythm and Beat artists Alicia Keys and Jay Zed were when this excellent parody of New York State of Mind caused them such anguish that it kept getting taken town from Youtube. Obviously it has now stayed and wouldn't it be better to acknowledge that this is funny and not offensive. It even spawned an excellent BBC take on it featuring lots of stars WITH a sens of humour for Children in need and Goldie Lookin' Chain even produced a reply to it.

Right that's all I'm posting but you've got three great videos to watch.

Have a brilliant Thursday and go and hug somebody.

Goldie Lookin' Chain 

Children In Need:

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

It's Wednesday Smile and Give Someone A Hug - #53 - 2009 - Beyonce - Single Ladies

It's Wednesday and the week has been interesting so far , and I'm sure it may get more interesting. I working on a website which is in fledgling state here about Codonopsis which has a lot of information about the various strains of the plant . There is a lot of information on there and now I am loading the pictures up there. Summer has finally left us and it's cold and wet , so go out and give somebody a cuddle and a hug , that'll keep you both warm and make you feel much better.

Put A Ring On It
The musical Odyssey has it's end in sight and reaches year 53 , 2009 and I've chosen Singles Ladies by Beyonce which , in my opinion is her fines song just because it doesn't conform to the standard song construct yes is still both listenable , a great pop song , and threatening.

Have a great day and make sure you have a smile on your face, Be Happy.

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Is Music Getting Worse? - #52 - 2008 - Utah Saints - Something Good 08

Most of the the musical Odyssey songs have been chosen from the top 100 singles in the UK for that year., but in 2007 and 2008 I have run into a musical brick wall. Don't get me wrong I know that loads of great music was about in these years but these blog posts are written to give a feeling of spontaneity . If you have to research what you like you have a bit of a problem. I do have something special for 2011 if my mind remembers. Music is not getting worse but the cjarts are definitely not looking too good .

I Love Kate
So trawling through 2008 and  I saw this remix from the 90's which includes a Kate Bush sample Cloudbusting (my favourite Kate Bush song)  , which I always thought was called Cloudbursting , but what do I know. Anyway The Utah Saints Something Good is always worth a listen

Have a brilliant Tuesday everyone and buy my ebook when it comes out probably about January.

Monday, 16 November 2015

The Next Thousand - #51 - 2007 - Regina Spektor - Fidelity

Good Music in 2007
Well this is post 1001 and it's Monday morning . The weather is grey and windy but I amds ure the week will be another good one. However 2007 is the first time I've been almost unable to find a song for that year. It's taken me quarter of an hour to find something that fit's my criteria because frankly most of the music in 2007 was pretty inane and rubbish . Please feel free to put me right on this.

For the Odyssey, year #51 we reach 2007 and I finally found the gorgeous Fidelity by Regina Spektor. As I say there is always good music around , sometimes you just have to look a little harder.

Have a brilliant Monday everyone.

Sunday, 15 November 2015

The Millenium Post - #50 - 2006 - Raconteurs - Steady As She Goes

This is the thousandth post , that's one thousand times I've written something to put on here. On thousand times something has fallen out of my brain to fall through my fingertips via my computer keyboard to hit the screen for you to read  now. I've tried blogging by phone , I believe there is one post that I put on completely via voice input on one of my phones. Since I started this I've learned lots , met lots of new friends , been all around this country but essentially not left the UK shoreline apart from the odd trip to Ireland. I do like writing and sometimes it meanders aimlessly but sometimes great things come out of it. Sometimes it's a one liner an observation or something more. I take inspiration from lots of things . The letters A F J K L are special and inspirational to me.


I've have 97 thousand page views that means every thing I write gets seen my nearly a hundred people and maybe robots. The most read piece is an appalling piece about Lion Poo . The one I would linke to be high up is the one with the Christopher Lee video , the now sadly missed great man.

I know this is a bit of a retrospective and I need to look forward as well as back . I have never stood still and always want to experience new thing sand meet new people , but also enjoy being unpressured.

I started this blog of with travel in mind hence the Seven Days In motif , but it soon became a way of recording and remembering things that caught my mind and someone pointed out that they thought it was Seven Day Sin knowing my reputation (some reputation of which I am totally unaware, I was brought up by Jesuits and  I am a very good person)

Anyway I think there was a band called called Seven Day Sin but I cant find any trace of them any more

The song that I am going to choose for the Millennium Post is The Clash's White Man In Hammersmith Palais , just because I love it so much. This isn't part of the Oddysey that comes in Part 2 put this is a truly monumental song.

So that's it


What next , will I hit ten thousand ? Probably not , but I am determined to keep writing and have an absolutely brilliant time.

Right that's the main part of the post here's the next installment in The Odyssey:

This is proof that that there is always brilliant music around whatever the year is. It may scare you that this is almost ten years old . So year 50 in 2006 brings us to Steady As She Goes By The Raconteurs. Brilliant stuff.

Have a brilliant Sunday afternoon everyone.

Don't Be Sad Be Happy - ONE - #49 - 2005 - Jem - They

Hello , hope your Sunday is going well , though its just coming up to 9 am here. The weather is very grey , not raining but it has been. I want to do something positive today , something just to make me feel good. This is my 999th post on this blog , the next one will be the thousandth, and the music choice will be limited by the year , and it would be nice to have something positive to report.

It is too easy to fall into lethargy and to look for things to complain about, but there is so much to actually do and discover I don't one to be in that position , however the current weather is one that brings on the seasonal affective disorder (SAD) also known as Winter Depression , and I know if the sun were shining I would feel differently , so I am going to look for sunshine in one form or another and if you feel a little down then do the same . Even going for a walk can help , phone or meet a friend , talking to people is great fun too.

Anyway I will post the thousand the post this evening rather than rush it tomorrow morning. The song will be from 2006 , that is the only certainty.

Homer Did It First
In the musical Odyssey we have reached year 49. The choices have been fairly arbitrary , apart from the fact that every song on the journey is one that I love and They by Jem is no different almost ghostly in it's sound , sounding at first quite normal but with an unknown edge of menace . I don't know if that's what she meant but nearly ten years on it has lost not of it's pull for me.

Have a brilliant Sunday and do something to make you smile. I definitely will do and will be thinking of you , all my friends spread across Australia , New Zealand , Italy , Africa, the USA , Brazil , and of course UK.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

IT'S CUDDLE SATURDAY - TWO - #48 - 2004 - Streets - Dry Your Eyes

This morning I went out for the papers, shocked at the news coming in from Paris , knowing that the right wing media will turn this to stir up hate against refugees when it's their paymasters who are the initial instigators of this supplying weapons to anyone anyone who will play and top up their hedge funds . Simplistic view I know.

Anyway when I went out this morning it was bloody freezing , thank god it wasnt raining. A great way to combat this is is to cuddle someone and share body heat. Cuddles and hugs should really be the norm everyday. Some people may not be able to do this for one reason or another. Never think you don't deserve it. You deserve to feel wanted , loved and cared for and hugged. Someone will be there for you. Reach out to people , pick up a phone , communicate , text , meet for coffee or tea or a meal.. We all need me time , but we need us time even more, and it could be someone next door , in the same town , city , country and thanks to the internet the world. It can be lover , friend , family , neighbour , casual acquaintance , do it and put a smile on your face.

Tears of Sorrow and Joy
The Odyssey hits number forty eight and only two more posts til I hit my thousandth post on this blog. According to the stats there have been 97,000 page views so I think it's on course for 100K by the end of the year. The song hit me like a freight train one of the greatest break up songs ever , and it's white charver rap , still makes me cry. Mike Skinner is a genius , it's similar to the Wyclef Jean post I shared in post #42 last Sunday , shows what a sentiment wimp I really am. Anyway I've listened to "Dry Your Eyes" by The Streets about six times while writing this. I am welling up, and really need a hug.

So go out there , find someone to cuddle , you will feel much much better for it , you both will.

Friday, 13 November 2015

Lost In A Dream - Three - #47 - 2003 - Lemon Jelly - Nice Weather For Ducks

Just woke from a strange dream through half an hour of snooze alarms that were part of the dream though I kept snoozing the alarm. I can't remember any details but it was pleasant . We have hit Friday have the weekend to look forward to but I was woken up by the rain during the night.

It's Friday the 13th and I have posted before about superstitions and the Number 13 . Don't take it too seriously , but be careful

Nice Weather For Ducks
Anyway the musical trip hits year 47 , 2003 and the singles charts were again full of rubbish . My own mantra is that 95% is always rubbish and found that Nice Weather For Ducks by Lemon Jelly was in the charts then and it's pretty appropriate given todays weather

Keep dry and have a great day. The weekend is nearly here

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Thursday Is Here - FOUR - #46 - 2002 - Feeder - Just The Way I'm Feeling

Thursday is here . Had a potential disaster in that my phone battery seems to be draining rather too
quickly , so that means a trip into town to get a new one today . The thing is I had a slight panic because not having your phone cuts you off from things you want to have access to , as well as making things inconvenient because things aren't immediately to hand . Still all will be fine and by lunchtime I should be back to normal.

A friend sent me the image , absolutely amazing . I love it

That was a slight blip and I am going to have a wonderful day today , there will be a lot of hard work, but I have a great circle of friends all over the world who I can talk to , chat with and meet and it's always a good thing to contact people for any reason , to make sure they are ok and look out for them

Anyway the Odyssey reaches year 46 and the singles charts in 2002 are particularly awful , so bad I almost chose an Oasis song, but checked out the albums chart, and saw Comfort In Sound by Feeder was released in 2002 , so "Just The Way I'm Feeling" was an obvious choice.

Have a brilliant Thursday everyone.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

BIG HUG WEDNESDAY: Keep On Smiling with a small Starbucks Rant - FIVE - #45 - 2001 - OPM - Heaven Is A Halfpipe

Real Coffee
I know I keep on about putting on a smile , being happy and hugging and kissing each other , but was tempted to write about this idiot  situation about the colour of Starbuck's Cups . Someone once said that once the threat of starvation had been eradicated then people's main hobby becomes being offended. Starbuck's are guilty of far worse things that the colour of their cups , but they still do good Frappacinos and I have no problem with the staff , just the company. But anyway that's by the by. Today let's make it a BIG HUG Wednesday , grab a friend and hug them and go for a coffee at an independent coffee place like Bar Loco or Pink Lane Coffee in Newcastle.

The Odyssey hits 2001 and for 2000 I had hoped for Heaven Is A Halfpipe by OPM , so it was a no brainer to choose for 2001 , despite competition from Gorillaz and other worthy choices

So go on make it a BIG HUG WEDNESDAY

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Put A Smile On Your Face - SIX - #44 - 2000 - Len - Steal My Sunshine

Well Monday is over and Tuesday is here and the week has started better than expected and is going to keep getting better. No major events but after The Wedding Present gig on Saturday finishing last week , this week has a lot to live up to and I think it will be great , I am sure but I will have to do lots of good things and I will. Watch the video and this song will put a big smile on your face.

The Odyssey reached the year of The Millennium , and there was the huge panic about the Millennium bug and how the world would come to a halt. This confused me apart from being a ploy to rip people off. I started programming in 1980 for Littlewoods and the first line of the program I wrote checked whether it was the 20th or 21st Century . If I was doing that then why weren't Microsoft , Intel , IBM and Apple doing it in the run up to 2000?

Go On Smile

Well the Odyssey reaches year 44 , the year of the Millennium and good music was sparse , but good music is always there. I could have chosen Beautiful Day by U2  , and Who Let The Dogs Out by The Baha Men was number one (as I say not a classic year) but have decided to go for Len with Steal My Sunshine which always brings a smile to my face , and anything that makes me smile is a great way to start your day.

Put a smile on your face and have a brilliant day.