Sunday, 1 September 2019

September Scamalot Coincidence

September is upon us and someone yesterday that summer is over. Not from my window it isn't. Blue skies and bright sunshine and I might even mow the lawn and go for a walk after breakfasting and reading the papers with the crossword and sudoku to have a stab at.

This is an unusually extremely short post just to mention James Veitch , who I first came across on TED then went to see him at The Stand in Newcastle , bout his book , and found his take on scamming funny, entertaining and informative.

I was then surprised that he has a series on Amazon Prime called "Scamalot". The episodes are two or three minutes and are in fact presentations of sections from his live show and is book "Dot.Con" both well worth your investment.

In August I actually did 420K steps which is approximately 140 Km or 90 miles and 20% over my monthly target

I've just noticed that this is post number 2023 , and "2023" is the novel by The KLF that then got me into my current read "THe Illuminatus! Trilogy" . Life is full of noticeable coincidences.

So time to sign off with this first post of September.

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