Saturday 7 November 2015

The Rain Is Here - NINE - #41 - 1997 - Dario G - Sunchyme / DJ Quicksilver - Bellisima

It's Saturday , It's Grey , It's Raining and tonight I am going to see The Wedding Present , so lots of incredible positives. Problem with rain is that you need umbrellas and because it's winter you need to wrap up well. I just checked my power statement from the totally brilliant OVO and that's £500 overpaid giving me 3% interest (about a pound a month hee hee ) , but OVO are a brilliant energy supplier , been with em nearly two years so my fixed rate is nearly up.
Rave Boys and Girls
 Year 41 was the first year I had choosing a song from the top 100 of that year , some was OK some was rubbish and then this euphoric take on Dream Academy's "Life In A Northern Town" stood out , I do love Dario G , even I want to get up and dance when there music comes on , but obviously that would be a very bad thing. , but then Bellissima by DJ Quicksilver came on , that was 1997 so I am having both. The Dario G album also reference the refrain from David Bowie's Memory of A Free Festival from Space Oddity.

Enjoy and have a brilliant day my totally wonderful friends.

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