Friday, 12 April 2019

#AprilSongs #12 Friday Night

This starts off sounding like a Pink Floyd song, or even The Who's "Love Reign O#er Me", from the absolutely brilliant debut album by ex Beach Boy Dennis Wilson "Pacific Ocean Blue". An extremely brooding piece, and nowhere near the best song on the album but it  is still an excellent listen. The intro lasts for over a minute of a three minute song (think the intro to "Shine On You Crazy Diamond") so the song itself is almost over before you realise it, and that is so good because it really drags you in although you don't actually realise it.

So that is number 12 in the #AprilSOngs sequence, and my only problem with this is that it almost looks like a technical manual rather than a diary entry, making the blog look very uniform and only talking about music related today (and today is Friday).

So it is Friday and it is a nice day and time for work.

Have a good one.

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