Tuesday, 9 April 2019

#AprilSongs #9 Tuesday Morning

I'm still waiting for my roof to be sorted, and need to have a shower before work, but after last week's "Tuesday Afternoon" by The Moody Blues we will go with "Tuesday Morning by The Pogues.

I don't know if you know that the Pogues take their name from the phrase "póg mo thóin" which is apparently Irish for "KIss My Arse" but at the time no one was sure if "Pogues was Kisses or Arses and "Pogue Mahone" was the seventh album by the band (wiki entry here) , but the Oxford English Dictionary lists Pogue as "Kiss" here.

"Tuesday Morning" is up there with The Pogues best and if you have never heard it take a couple of minutes not and enjoy it. There is so much music we never even hear, often by our favourite artists, and often we concentrate on two or three albums, and this is a discovery for me thanks to me doing the #AprilSongs sequence.

This proves that it's good to set up the tiniest of projects to force yourself to do things, and the main reason for doing this is that I want to hit two thousand posts on Seven Days In (Not Seven Day Sin as some people have pointed out) and I wasn't really posting enough this year, and April should put me ahead of the curve. I've also been nominated for #TenAlbumsInTenDays and am posting those as well, plus my appearance on The Chain, so there is every possibility that I may hit fifty posts this month, unlikely but you never know.

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