Monday, 8 April 2019

#TenAlbumsInTenDays #4 - #2 - The Last Post - Carbon Silicon

My initial plan was to choose albums from this decade, but I've gone back to the last decade for this one, but I'm still in the most recent century and millenium. When I heard "The News" from "THe Last Post" it was one of the most exhilarating and hopeful songs I'd heard though it was released at a time when things were improving and looking great.

The album was a collaboration between Mick Jones (The Clash,Big Audio Dynamite) and Tony James (Sigue Sigue Sputnik which I always thought was Zigue Zigue Sputnik) but that's just me showing my musical ignorance.

So I know this is just a short post on today's #TenAlbumsInTenDays post but it is another excuse to share "The News", though I also love "The Magic Suitcase" as well, but it's a great album well worth a listen.

So it's Monday morning , time for work, and I hope you have a great one.

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