Tuesday, 16 April 2019

#TenAlbumsInTenDays #4 - 9 and 10

Today I completed my #TenAlbumsInTenDays #4 and the last two I posted were "Another Day on Earth" by Brian Eno and "What Came From Fire" by Sound of Guns so I did manage to just include albums for this Century / Millenium.

As I have said your natural propensity is to go back to your teenage years and choose albums from when your musical opinion was being formed, so I did try and and limit my choices to lstuff from the last 19 years (although originally I wanted to do it from from the last ten years but the Carbon/Silicon album was from the last decade but still within this millenium.

The Brian Eno album struck me with the killer opening song "This" which is just based on a rhythm built by repeating the word "This". The rest of the album is just as good but that is a fine example of a killer opener and was his first song based album in about ten years.

I saw Sound of Guns at The Hoults Yard festival with my daughter Kirsty in Byker many years back, which was great but under advertised. There were a lot of great bands on but Sound of Guns weren't one I knew or had even heard of. They are used on a base jumping video  by Turbolenza  so I will include that video which features the songs "Sometimes" and "Alcatraz" plus a love video of "This" .

Enjoy your Tuesday.

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